Episode 119: Sojourner Family Peace Center
Episode 118: Milwaukee Esports
Episode 117: Kinship Community Food Center
Episode 116: Milwaukee Black Theater Festival
Episode 115: Walker's Point Youth and Family Center
Episode 114: Milwaukee Talkie w/ Judge Derek Mosley
Episode 113: B Corps in Milwaukee
EpisodesBridge The City PodcastDrew Pond, Kelsey Moses, Stone Creek Coffee, Lakefront Brewery, B Corp, What is a B Corp, Milwaukee Podcast, Milwaukee B Corp, Milwaukee Businesses, Ben Hoekstra
Episode 112: Woodland Pattern
EpisodesBridge The City PodcastWoodland Pattern, Poetry, Local Poetry, Book Store, Book Center, Milwaukee Book Store, Milwaukee Poetry, Jenny Gropp, Laura Solomon, Riverwest
Episode 111: Milwaukee Talkie w/ Dr. Monique Liston
Episode 110: Lion's Tooth
Episodes, Milwaukee TalkieBridge The City PodcastLion's Tooth, Local Bookstore, Milwaukee Bookstore, Graphic Novels, Zines, Cris Siqueira, Bayview, Election, Milwaukee Election, Milwaukee Mayoral Election, Milwaukee Mayor, Local Election, Local Politics